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A New Name, A New Site

Last updated 11/23/16

Since 2006, I've uploaded videos on YouTube under the name Lonesomeazn. This was a username created in my youth and one that didn't really translate to other websites or platforms I used. I've gone by many-a-moniker including Kunaiblader, Star Vader21 (good old Runescape days), Scorpionhel1 (oh god kill me), and most infamously, Lonesomeazn. My current username is one that has grown to becoming synonymous with me by my circle of friends as it is what I go by on my current gaming platforms and online communities. So, as a way to become more uniform in how I interact with the web, I've created a new YouTube under my current username and am now vested in solely uploading future content under that name.

Latest Video

Last updated 9/11/18

I Made A Font

Last updated 1/9/17

As any avid Kingdom Hearts fan would know, there's already a font for the Kingdom Hearts logo, but not the one they use for the system menus and stuff so I decided to make one. Below are some sample words you would see in the game in the font. You are welcome to use it for non-commercial purposes as stated in the font's license. Be sure to credit me if you use it or share it in anything posted online.

Download the font here:

Jude Mathis Sprite Update (2014)

Last updated 11/23/16

It's been so long since I did anything sprite related. I decided to make a new and updated version of Jude's sprite (version 3). Here's a side by side comparison with animated sprites.

Here's a better look at the newer version. He's wearing the gauntlets from his character art and Mystic Arte cut-ins.

ACS - Jude Mathis Beta (2013)

Last updated 11/23/16

Some of you may know that I've made a custom character for Anibache's ACS, the fan made Tales of Series fighting game. While I haven't made much progress on it I've decided to release a public beta for the time being. Here's a video showcasing an earlier build.

The video is missing a few of the moves I already put in but you can get a gist of the character so far. It's incomplete and I still plan on updating him when I can. In the meantime you can download him from here.

TOS - The United World Episode 3

Last updated 11/23/16

This is one of my most proudest accomplishments. The second anime episode I ever subbed was Tales of Symphonia THE ANIMATION ~The United World Episode~ 3. It took me a while to do since I had school, but I was able to finish it thanks to some help from my friends who were also taking Japanese classes with me. The translations compared to the first one are more accurate and cross referencing with the game's localized dialogue helped very much. The full video is embeded below.

Because of a complication with the opening song I originally had to reupload the episode in three parts while the blocked video was being disputed. You can find them in the links below.

Tales of Symphonia - The United World Episode 3 Part 1

Tales of Symphonia - The United World Episode 3 Part 2 

Tales of Symphonia - The United World Episode 3 Part 3 

Spriting Update (2012)

Last updated 11/23/16

I've made quite a few Xillia related sprites during my work on Jude. So far there's the addition of Alvin, Milla, and Rowen. I think they turned out pretty well. Enjoy them for now, but please don't steal and claim them as your own. A lot of work went into making them.

My First Attempt at Subbing

Last updated 11/23/16

My translation of Tales of Symphonia THE ANIMATION ~The United World Episode~ 2 took a total of 3 days to complete since I did this purely based on listening to the Japanese dialogue. The subtitles aren't all that accurate since I reworded several translations so they would make some sense in English. Some lines are even partial BS I put in based on the context that still works with the translated narrative. Anyways, click the link below to enjoy!

Watch Tales of Symphonia THE ANIMATION ~The United World Episode~ 2

Discontinued But Still Cool

Last updated 11/23/16

Back in my early days of getting into game development, I messed around with MUGEN, creating many Kingdom Hearts characters for the engine over time. After a couple of years, and my introduction to the Tales series with Tales of the Abyss, I wanted to make a Tales character for MUGEN. That was when I stumbled onto the early stage of ACS and I began ripping sprites to use. Unfortunately the creator of ACS does not approve of using her sprites for works outside of her game so I've discontinued development on Tales characters on MUGEN. Below, you can see some of my early work on Jade Curtiss' Fonic Arte, Thunder Blade. The glyph was completely made by me however.


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